Financial Links

The following are links to websites or webpages that you might find informative and helpful. Though we can not promise we will always agree with 100% of everything on each of these sites, we do believe these are unbiased sources of information. Feel free to ask us our opinion regarding anything you might read regarding…

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Alphabet Soup / Unregulated Credentials

What are all those initials behind a financial professionals name? One of the greatest difficulties for persons seeking advise from financial professionals today is knowing if the advisor is qualified to assist them. It seems the industry only compounds this confusion by continually coming up with new certifications for those persons working in the industry.…

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Choosing a Financial Professional

Options, Options, Options The choices you make regarding your financial life are just as important as any of the other major life decisions you might make. In fact, your choices regarding what kind of financial professional you use and who that individual will be could impact every other part of your life! If you think…

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Managing Portfolio Risk

Portfolio Risk Management is an extensive topic that is rarely addressed properly in wealth management. Most advisors talk about managing risk, but then never address the issue further. Because of the importance and depth of information surrounding this topic, we are currently working on an audio as part of our client educational series. The Audio…

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Regulated Credentials

Regulated credentials are licenses or appointments issued by a state or federal entity. Licenses require a test, however appointments do not. Both require the payment of state or federal fees. Regulated credentials typically vary from state to state regarding their requirements for continuing education, however, be aware most of the continuing education does very little…

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Growth of Wealth

This is an extremely complex subject, but to summarize we can give you a very simple answer to the question: What are the most important factors to the growth of my wealth? The greatest factor is diversification! Diversification is the absolute most important factor in determining the performance characteristics of your porfolio. When we say…

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Self Regulated Credentials

These credentials are from bodies that have a process in place for evaluation of members. Some of these groups are federally controlled such as the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD). Others are privately controlled such as the Certified Financial Planning Board (CFPB). These two organizations are the largest, however, there are others. You can…

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Children, Easter, and Money

This month, I thought I would highlight a great place to find material for teaching your children about the use of money. So, with this month being Easter, I thought we might look to the bible. Regardless of your personal beliefs, the bible is a great resource for you and your children to get practical…

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Unrewarded Risk

Wall Street often disregards the statistically sound results of years of study by the financial academics. Perhaps this is because much of the profit of Wall Street is based on ideas that are in opposition to the findings of academia. Whatever the reason, you most likely will not hear your broker touting the findings of…

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Is Perception Reality?

Before I continue the discussion on understanding investment risk, I feel compelled to intervene with thoughts regarding last week’s responses to the Jackson Speaks section of this publication. The question proposed, “Do you think the public is being gouged at the gas pump,” resulted in a unanimous yes from local residents. Before I begin to…

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