Understanding Investment Risk
When it comes to investment risk, two facts are true for everyone! Everyone takes investment risk, but risk doesn’t necessarily mean return. You might be saying to yourself either, “I don’t take investment risk,” or “I like risk, it means more return.” Well, I’m sorry to say it, but if you are either person, you’re…
Read MoreMedia Driven Market
Every study I have ever read comparing individual portfolio returns to the market always says the same thing regardless of who performs it. Individual portfolios in the market, “on average,” never perform as well as the market itself. The data on this subject is very compelling, sound, and difficult to dispute. So, what can you…
Read MoreYour Broker’s Interest May Not Be Yours
Merrill Rule Caveat Emptor – Your Broker’s Interest May Not Be Yours January 31, 2006, a new Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ruling went into effect allowing broker-dealer’s to further confuse the public regarding objective investment advice. The measure that was approved in 2005 was initiated by the broker-dealer Merrill Lynch, hence the nickname of…
Read MoreInvest in Your Child with Reading
With March 2nd having been both Read Across America Day and World Book Day, I’m sure that there will have been great emphasis put on the importance of reading to small children by this month’s end. Or if you have children who can already read, you may be more aware of the societal emphasis that…
Read MoreDo You Love Your Children Enough?
Enough to teach them the hard lessons of life that is! As a parent myself, I have no doubt you love your children, but loving them enough to teach them tough life lessons is often tougher on you than it is on them. You may recall your father providing you some good discipline, and stating…
Read MoreHoliday Spending Recovery
Well, it is 2006 and while most Americans are still recovering from the turkey and relatives, the oversize credit card bills are just starting to roll in. If you are one of those typical Americans whose desire to give to their children, family, and friends was bigger than your wallet, what do you do now?…
Read MoreWealth of Knowledge
There is a wealth of information in our society today! In fact, humans have never lived in a time when information was more accessible. The “Information Age” has made it possible for any individual to “know” practically everything known to everyone. Unfortunately though, many do not take the time to become knowledgeable. But, if we…
Read MoreThe Good Ol’ Days
Do you remember the “good ole days” when the change in your pocket would buy several gallons of gas instead of a few drops? Wow, it seems that our children just don’t understand how much more things cost today! Why is that anyway? This months article stems from the many comments and questions from parents…
Read MoreUnderstanding College Planning
Preparing for a child’s higher education can be a daunting task, and it is never too early to begin thinking about it. However, before financially preparing for a child’s higher learning, you should consider your own financial security in retirement. While this is contrary to what most loving parents want to do, ask any teen…
Read MoreRaising Thankful Children in a Materialistic Society
As parents we always want to give our children the best. However, sometimes our children need to learn some appreciation. I recall a screaming child in the checkout line wanting another widget of the day. I frowned with an internal vowing of, “I’ll never have children like that” (before I had children of course). We…
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